Showing 1–12 of 43 results

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Anatec Brushless propellors (Pair 2)

This listing is for a brand new ‘Genuine’ pair of Brushless motor propellors for the Anatec Brushless motors only Generally

Anatec Catamaran Handle

Spare handle for the Anatec Catamaran Bait Boat. Complete with two plastic nuts and washer. Only available in dark green

Anatec Catamaran Transmitter / Remote

A brand new Transmitter and receiver + Battery for the latest Devict bait boats. Very easy to exchange, once you

Anatec Grease Tube

A Genuine Product Grease tube which fits all Anatec boats Pushes on to the nozzle on your shaft in side

Anatec Lead Acid to Lithium Adaptor Leads

A pair (two) of adaptor leads which fit on you’re Anatec lead acid boat then plug to our lithium batteries.

Anatec Lithium Batteries

Product Description A brand new pair (two) of Lithium batteries for most brushless Anatec Bait Boats (not PAC) Each battery

Anatec Mono Hull Hopper Door

Anatec Hopper Door Flap. Only available in the camo green as shown. Next day delivery just £6.99

Anatec Monohull Rudder + Swingle Bar

A brand new rudder which fits all Anatec Mono Bait Boats   Complete with swingle bar and bracket as shown

Anatec PAC / Starter Mains Power Switch

Made here in our store in Sussex A high quality large mains power switch + cover pre-wired with plug which

Anatec PAC/Mono/Catamaran Speed Controller

This device is the high end, high powered speed controller that powers your motor (one per motor)   Approx. costing

Anatec Prop Shaft Grease Spray

A Genuine grease can from Anatec, for Anatec. Sent with fast next working day DHL Delivery.

Anatec Spare Motor & Shaft

A genuine motor/shaft for the Anatec Catamaran 2005 onwards. Easy fit.   Please let us know if you require the